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New Iberia Haunts: A Paranormal Experience - Part Three

Ghost hunting 101: What happened at The Essanee Theater with Louisiana Spirits

By Tracie Ysaguire, Publisher for Macaroni KID New Iberia July 15, 2022

I am excited to be part of another investigation this July with Louisiana Spirits at The Essanee Theater in New Iberia for our New Iberia Haunts series.

Since I already had one under my belt, I thought for sure I would be ready for anything that may happen during the night. As soon as I walked in, I immediately got a few chills. It could have been change in temperature but either way, I took it as a sign that tonight's investigation was going to be a good one.

The Acadiana Chapter of Louisiana Spirits was already there and setting up equipment throughout the theater when I got there. I chatted with the team from IPAL (Iberia Performing Arts League) and the other investigators as the rest of the equipment was rolled out.  

I walked around the empty theater and imagined what it must have been like back in the day. According to Cinema Treasures, The Essanee Theater opened in 1937 and closed for performances and movies in 1980. That is a long time to have movie-goers and theaters lovers flocking to the theater to enjoy the local shows here in New Iberia. So much energy from different eras has taken place inside of those walls, I thought for sure we would have lights going off on the equipment like crazy. But as I am learning, every investigation is different and you can not base one experience from another location on the next. 

Inside The Essanee Theater July 2, 2022 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire 

I have been to The Essanne for some of the IPAL performances and have always loved the theater. But once the lights went out, let me tell you, I was a little shook! It was so dark I could barely see my hand in front of my face! We split up our small group for the night with some staying in the theater, a few going backstage, and another group going upstairs. From what I was told, there is a story about a young boy who fell from the balcony in the theater's early days. As soon as the lights went out, I immediately wondered if we would be able to get any contact from him. The team decided that the rem-pod toy racecar would be placed upstairs to see if any interaction would occur. 

I took one of the K2 Meters and off we went to the front of the theater near the stage. One of the things Louisiana Spirits will do while investigating is have everyone present introduce themselves while recording for evidence. This way, if there is any question of background noise or any odd occurrences, we know who was present when it happened. 

K2 Meter for the investigation at The Essanee Theater July 2, 2022 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire  

On the stage was some of their equipment, including Boo-Bell, the light-up doll, some cat toy balls that light up, and another rem-pod to encourage interaction and responses. As I sat in the front row of the theater while the lead investigator, Marci, asked questions, we were all anxiously waiting for a response or something to light up. We did have a few brief interactions with the equipment on the stage lighting up, but it was so short that it did not seem to really confirm any communication with those in the beyond.

Remember the toy race car rem-pod I told you we placed upstairs? That thing was going off pretty consistently, then would stop for a bit and then go off again. The investigators began to wonder if there was something wrong with the batteries or if someone or something was interacting with the toy. (Be sure to read on to find out what was discovered after the investigation while reviewing evidence.) 

Equipment on stage during the investigation at The Essanee Theater July 2, 2022 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire

Since the equipment on the stage was seemingly silent, we decided to change up and switch out locations around the theater with the other groups who were investigating. It was then that I learned the group upstairs was getting direct responses to questions with some of the equipment lighting up as well as some noise that sounded like things moving around. 

For this next part, I headed back stage with my group, and we began down the long dark hallway along the side of the theater. This is where your mind plays tricks on you. Was that footsteps behind me or was it all in my imagination? I had a K2 EMF Meter in hand and did not pick up any indication of changes in the area around me, so I just kept walking to get behind the stage. 

As I sat with the other investigators asking questions, we heard a few bangs and knocks, but not all of them were in direct response to our questions. When things seemed to die down a bit, it was time for the groups to change up again so all of us could investigate other areas in the theater.

Equipment on stage during the investigation at The Essanee Theater July 2, 2022 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire

I decided to check out the monitors where base central was located. Someone is always monitoring the screens to see if any evidence is captured at the location during the investigation. It was at this time that I began to hear rumors of possibly something interesting being captured on the cameras upstairs. To see what the investigators discovered after the investigation, click here

As we began to wrap up for the evening, I moved to the back of the theater with Marci and another investigator. We asked questions and began hearing loud noises as if something was sliding or being moved. A call went out over the walkie-talkie to the other groups to find out if anyone was moving anything and the response was no one on the team was doing anything to make that loud noise. Again, we all heard this with our own ears during the investigation, check out the noise that was captured on one of the recordings. 

A few members were still investigating upstairs and we spent a short time in the piano room to the left of the entrance, asking questions and recording for evidence. Things started to quiet down after that, and most of us began to yawn as we headed into the 11 o'clock hour. 

Sometimes locations are active with responses during the investigation,  and sometimes they are not. Other times the investigators will find they captured a bunch of evidence like an EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) or visual footage only after they have poured over the recordings days after the investigation. For The Essanee Theater, it seems we had a little bit of both.

IPAL at The Essanee Theater New Iberia  July 2, 2022 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire

The Essanee Theater is now home to IPAL, Iberia Performing Arts League, and is one of the premier locations for theatrical events in the downtown area. IPAL is now featuring the summer children's play, Tarzan, which will run from July 15, 2022, through July 24, 2022. Then at the end of July, the Iberia Film Festival will take the stage showcasing the best of local, independent filmmakers in our area. 

To find out how to become a member of IPAL, audition for one of the upcoming shows, or find out about the upcoming schedule of events, make sure to head to https://www.ipaltheater.com/ for more information. We are still adding to our list of the New Iberia Haunts series! Our next investigation will happen on July 23 at the Old Post Office on Main Street. Make sure to stay tuned to find out what we uncover there!

If you have a place or a recommendation that you would like to submit to us for the New Iberia Haunts series

then be sure to send us a message so we can let Louisiana Spirits know and get your location on the list!