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2023 New Iberia Haunts: A Paranormal Experience - Part Four

What happened while investigating The Sliman Theater and Bayou Teche Museum with Louisiana Spirits

By Tracie Ysaguire, Publisher for Macaroni KID New Iberia June 23, 2023

We are back with Part Four of our 2023 investigative series New Iberia Haunts with the Louisiana Spirits Acadiana Chapter! In 2022, we participated in five investigations with the team from Louisiana Spirits in the New Iberia area. My first  investigation was at The Sliman Theater and The Bayou Teche Museum

You can read all about that first investigation here. As of the writing of this article in June 2023, we have participated in three other investigations with the team so far this year. 

Catch up on the 2023 New Iberia Haunts Series below: 

  2023 New Iberia Haunts: A Paranormal Experience / What happened at this investigation of a private residence in New Iberia with Louisiana Spirits

  2023 New Iberia Haunts: A Paranormal Experience - Part Two / What happened at the investigation of Victor's Cafeteria in New Iberia with Louisiana Spirits

  2023 New Iberia Haunts: A Paranormal Experience - Part Three / What happened at the investigation of the Greater Iberia Parish Chamber with Louisiana Spirits

To learn more about the type of paranormal equipment the team uses, click here. You can also connect with and follow Louisiana Spirits for more videos, information on upcoming events, and insight on what happens after investigations. 

Preliminary Walkthrough and Discussions 

I was excited to be back with the team in downtown New Iberia on June 17, 2023 for this class and investigation at two of my favorite places on Main Street, especially since I was heading back to a location that I had previously investigated. 

I felt comfortable in preparing for the night and watched The Sliman Theater slowly begin to fill up with over 30 class participants who were all there for the same thing: paranormal investigating. There was a full house, including several attendees who were excited to be on their first-ever paranormal investigation.

The night started with Medium Kayla Matherne talking to the class about what she experienced on her walk through of the both the Bayou Teche Museum and The Sliman Theater before everyone's arrival for the night. Kayla normally gets to the locations early, before participants arrive to do her own walk through and uses her spidey senses to pick up on the energy of the location for the night's investigation. 

During those walk throughs, she draws the images that she picks up on. I love to listen to her speak as well as she describes in detail what she is picking up and her drawings are absolutely amazing. You can see some of her artwork and psychic drawings on her Facebook page at Kayla Matherne Psychic Medium Spiritual Artist.

One of the things she stated to the class that she was picking up on was children in the theater. She felt as if they were running around, being in places they were not supposed to be in. I bring this up because of something that happen at the theatre late in the evening, so keep reading for more. 

Kayla Matherne speaking to the class about her psychic drawings
June 17, 2023  
Image by Tracie Ysaguire

The Class & Investigation Begins 

Marci Lee, State Director of Louisiana Spirits, begins with the class explaining the different equipment and gives a clear set of rule and guidelines for the night. Tonight was the first time I experienced the Estes Method during an investigation, and I was excited to see it live in action. 

According to Hallozeen Magazine, the Estes Method was developed by Karl Pfeiffer while investigation the Stanley Hotel (yes, that Stanley from The Shiningin Estes Park, Colorado. 

During a Estes session, two investigators pair up. One is blindfolded to avoid any visual stimulation while also wearing headphones to block out any noise. The headphones are connected to what is called a Spirit Box. Simply put the Spirit Box is a radio that is modified to scramble and pull in several stations rapidly. While one investigator is connected to the Spirit Box to fully concentrate on the words and responses, the other investigator will ask questions, and wait to see if there is a direct response to the questions coming through on the Spirit Box. I was excited to see this in action and could not wait until we got started. 

All the participants in the class split up into groups of 10 to 12 people with team members from Louisiana Spirits leading the way. One group started in the new section of the Bayou Teche Museum, one started in the old section of the museum, and the remaining group split up in the theater with half staying near the stage area and the other half heading behind the stage. 

Once all of the lights were turned off and everyone was settled and quiet, we got started. 

Estes Session with Louisiana Spirits at The Sliman Theater 
June 17, 2023 
Image by Tracie Ysaguire

The Investigation Continues 

I stayed mostly in the front of the theater for this class so my focus will be on what I witnessed there. The team had different equipment set up on the stage, such as dosing rods, cameras, and a Trip Wire, as well as several rem-pods around the theater. Team members, Marci Lee and Melinda Breaux began asking questions. Some of them were based on the information that Kayla had shared with the group about the children in the theater. Other questions were as simple as "What is your name?".

Several participants as well as Louisiana Spirits team members were also doing audio recording during the session. It takes time to go through all the visual and audio evidence after an investigation, and I will tell you that this team takes it seriously. There is no assuming that just because they may have captured something that it automatically means it was paranormal. They take distinct steps and actions to prove otherwise. 

After a few rounds of questions from team members and participants, they decided to try the Estes method to see if anything could be determined. Participants and team members both took turns using the headphones connected to the Spirit Box while the rest of us asked questions. A few of them were seemingly answering our direct questions, like "What color is my shirt?" and "Is there any children here with us?". 

In total, about 5 different people took turns doing the Estes session, but the most active was from Michelle and Tricia, both team members. Michelle's responses to the questions being asked by the group gave us names, complete sentences, and even a few curse words. The session was so intense that the crowd audibly gasped together more than once. 

I was sitting on the the right side of the stage in the audience watching, taking notes, and recording. Tricia was sitting on the stage directly in front of me with Michelle on the stage to the left of the audience. It was then that our night took an active turn, well at least for me. 

As I was sitting in my chair bending over my phone, checking to make sure I was recording, I could have sworn I felt something brush against the right side of my cheek. It startled me a little as I was sitting in complete darkness, but I just blew it off and assumed it was a piece of my hair. It was literally within a minute or two that Tricia, sitting directly in front of me on the stage, jumped up and said, "I just got touched on the side of my face." I was in shock. Does that mean something was wandering around us the entire time? I'll never know for sure, but it was definitely an experience that only further captivated my interest in participating in these investigations.  

As we began to wrap up this part of the night, Marci was using a full spectrum camera and had it focused towards the stage area. Remember earlier when I mentioned that Kayla, the psychic medium was feeling as if kids were in the theater? Marci was certain that she saw something dart behind the group on the stage, in the same direction where Tricia was sitting. Her words in describing it to the rest of the team was that it looked like a dark, child sized shadow. I am sure the team will be reviewing that evidence in detail! You can follow up with them on the reveals in about a week or two as they post a discussion about what was captured and debunked.

That's a Wrap

Marci Lee, Director of the Acadiana Chapter, is working now to get more classes and events with Louisiana Spirits on the schedule in New Iberia later this fall, as well as other cities around Acadiana. 

For more information on how you can participate in one of these classes or events, be sure to stay connected to our calendar, follow Louisiana Spirits on Facebook, YouTube, TikTok or email Marci at mlee@laspirits.com

If you are interested in having the team come to your home or business, or have a recommendation that you would like to submit for New Iberia Haunts, then be sure to email us at mackidnewiberia@macaronikid.com.